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The Signature Tee

The Signature Tee

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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When you hear the word peculiar, you probably think of something strange... something unusual... or maybe even an outcast.   But the Bible tells us something different.  1 Peter 2:9, says we are a chosen generation, a holy nation, a royal priesthood, and a PECULIAR people.  We're peculiar not because of what we are, but because of who we are. We are GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE.

The same word the world uses to count us out is the same word God chooses to COUNT US IN!  If that's not a shout, I don't know what is...  The Signature Tee is all about identity.  It's a statement. It's a lifestyle.  It's a testimony


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